Hall of Fame
skillsports.us top players
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# rank | Player name | Score | Games played |
Total won |
1 | 10 |
Kickidee | 15,045 | 8,302 | $6,872.80 |
2 | 10 |
Skaven | 14,825 | 24,635 | $20,413.60 |
3 | 10 |
engelmilka85 | 14,720 | 8,426 | $6,479.10 |
4 | 10 |
SALLYCHNECKE | 14,645 | 17,327 | $15,676.80 |
5 | 10 |
Joey2510 | 14,645 | 9,497 | $6,410.00 |
6 | 10 |
manuel911 | 14,605 | 16,675 | $9,687.20 |
7 | 10 |
mp90* | 14,540 | 19,927 | $18,587.20 |
8 | 10 |
steff220375 | 14,460 | 17,183 | $10,236.00 |
9 | 10 |
Wolfsjunges | 14,325 | 421 | $257.60 |
10 | 8 |
DieSuperIsa | 14,280 | 3,735 | $3,864.80 |
11 | 9 |
high | 14,265 | 1,233 | $2,024.60 |
12 | 10 |
annunaki | 14,215 | 30,224 | $16,047.20 |
13 | 10 |
Teufelchen74 | 14,155 | 3,752 | $2,095.20 |
14 | 10 |
Neo74 | 14,105 | 2,027 | $2,052.20 |
15 | 10 |
smoothn | 14,060 | 1,931 | $991.20 |
16 | 5 |
skubisch | 13,975 | 1,511 | $839.20 |
17 | 10 |
Ronja* | 13,945 | 42,716 | $24,829.60 |
18 | 10 |
mannelossi | 13,930 | 857 | $1,188.75 |
19 | 10 |
Mickey30 | 13,880 | 4,472 | $2,635.20 |
20 | 1 |
Spaghetti48 | 13,855 | 610 | $627.20 |
21 | 10 |
karin4040 | 13,805 | 13,620 | $6,927.20 |
22 | 10 |
Chucky222* | 13,800 | 1,249 | $1,336.00 |
23 | 10 |
line2u | 13,795 | 12,215 | $7,266.60 |
24 | 10 |
FRED* | 13,795 | 6,191 | $3,625.70 |
25 | 10 |
maulwurf* | 13,775 | 5,649 | $2,699.20 |
26 | 10 |
sami1966 | 13,775 | 10,478 | $5,235.20 |
27 | 9 |
Flow284 | 13,765 | 1,035 | $682.80 |
28 | 10 |
Minou12 | 13,760 | 20,926 | $10,427.20 |
29 | 10 |
arra | 13,760 | 1,993 | $2,637.20 |
30 | 10 |
Sari86 | 13,740 | 66 | $85.90 |
31 | 10 |
dannyflower | 13,720 | 4,129 | $2,116.80 |
32 | 10 |
corleone* | 13,710 | 13,014 | $7,083.20 |
33 | 10 |
alexa0905 | 13,670 | 46 | $21.60 |
34 | 10 |
irmisch1 | 13,655 | 4,393 | $3,176.00 |
35 | 10 |
BM88 | 13,645 | 501 | $384.80 |
36 | 10 |
Delphi65 | 13,630 | 4,365 | $2,599.20 |
37 | 10 |
1969Galaxie | 13,615 | 1,354 | $700.80 |
38 | 10 |
Ocean1980 | 13,610 | 3,801 | $1,923.20 |
39 | 9 |
terence* | 13,610 | 215 | $331.20 |
40 | 1 |
maggie* | 13,585 | 918 | $474.40 |
41 | 10 |
gypsy211 | 13,585 | 869 | $1,208.20 |
42 | 10 |
lyle41* | 13,570 | 8,740 | $4,287.20 |
43 | 10 |
lenchen313* | 13,550 | 14,735 | $6,152.80 |
44 | 10 |
Barilla78 | 13,545 | 189 | $84.80 |
45 | 10 |
scheldon | 13,535 | 469 | $227.20 |
46 | 9 |
rauchernie | 13,520 | 664 | $388.80 |
47 | 10 |
keks36 | 13,515 | 8 | $5.60 |
48 | 10 |
lou11* | 13,515 | 11,226 | $4,804.00 |
49 | 10 |
Lessi* | 13,500 | 291 | $133.60 |
50 | 10 |
Breuer01 | 13,485 | 4,441 | $2,011.20 |
51 | 8 |
rattenbraut | 13,480 | 33 | $24.80 |
52 | 10 |
vince1972 | 13,475 | 255 | $126.40 |
53 | 9 |
dilldapp20 | 13,450 | 1,633 | $986.40 |
54 | 10 |
Surprise* | 13,440 | 586 | $192.80 |
55 | 1 |
mike1104 | 13,415 | 672 | $454.40 |
56 | 10 |
Siras* | 13,405 | 1,057 | $681.60 |
57 | 10 |
daspasst | 13,360 | 10,423 | $4,578.40 |
58 | 10 |
schulzi77 | 13,350 | 1,117 | $509.60 |
59 | 10 |
Hevo | 13,335 | 193 | $97.60 |
60 | 10 |
joelchen | 13,310 | 3,275 | $1,434.40 |
61 | 10 |
Dimitri1976 | 13,310 | 573 | $260.50 |
62 | 10 |
Trullalotte | 13,295 | 5,419 | $2,355.20 |
63 | 10 |
jeudi112 | 13,295 | 477 | $380.80 |
64 | 9 |
hakki | 13,270 | 1,397 | $648.80 |
65 | 6 |
xxmichixx | 13,250 | 59 | $31.20 |
66 | 8 |
00Yenomi* | 13,250 | 156 | $133.60 |
67 | 10 |
marlenchen | 13,240 | 912 | $446.40 |
68 | 5 |
blondynka | 13,240 | 77 | $63.20 |
69 | 10 |
totto81 | 13,235 | 1,707 | $784.80 |
70 | 10 |
Tsume79 | 13,230 | 4,625 | $2,847.20 |
71 | 10 |
kimbosmom* | 13,220 | 1,304 | $1,078.40 |
72 | 10 |
trini79 | 13,220 | 431 | $181.60 |
73 | 10 |
croccodyle | 13,205 | 3,036 | $1,232.80 |
74 | 10 |
LuckyLuke1* | 13,195 | 1,450 | $538.40 |
75 | 10 |
Tess112 | 13,195 | 1,034 | $464.80 |
76 | 10 |
selsn | 13,190 | 1,271 | $696.80 |
77 | 7 |
Commander* | 13,190 | 71 | $43.20 |
78 | 10 |
lulu2329 | 13,180 | 685 | $341.60 |
79 | 10 |
celin28 | 13,175 | 1,066 | $478.40 |
80 | 9 |
fischli74 | 13,170 | 1,165 | $706.40 |
81 | 10 |
monasan | 13,150 | 2,158 | $790.40 |
82 | 10 |
Kuchenhorst | 13,150 | 104 | $87.20 |
83 | 10 |
Schnucki62 | 13,140 | 3,105 | $1,274.40 |
84 | 10 |
mang11 | 13,135 | 1,461 | $579.20 |
85 | 10 |
gamegod | 13,130 | 170 | $113.60 |
86 | 10 |
wolf4010* | 13,130 | 9,558 | $3,171.20 |
87 | 6 |
MarkusGoe | 13,120 | 175 | $396.00 |
88 | 10 |
annepaul13 | 13,105 | 165 | $66.40 |
89 | 9 |
rockyli66 | 13,100 | 1,724 | $748.80 |
90 | 10 |
Hauselfe* | 13,090 | 418 | $300.00 |
91 | 10 |
PfennigOG | 13,075 | 2,610 | $645.70 |
92 | 10 |
Boberle | 13,070 | 5,628 | $3,874.40 |
93 | 7 |
fritzi10 | 13,070 | 173 | $70.40 |
94 | 10 |
sportfrosch | 13,065 | 91 | $156.00 |
95 | 6 |
tabaluga1709 | 13,060 | 182 | $101.60 |
96 | 10 |
Yunarya | 13,050 | 505 | $225.60 |
97 | 10 |
moonflower79 | 13,040 | 2,090 | $1,158.40 |
98 | 9 |
Pingpo | 13,035 | 656 | $312.00 |
99 | 1 |
h0lldr10 | 13,030 | 782 | $384.00 |
100 | 3 |
lassmiranda | 13,025 | 97 | $96.00 |